Sunday, July 29, 2007


This week has been an interesting one and I have been at a loss for words. Last Friday, July 20th, Nathan Toews was killed in a car accident. When I read the news, I just sat there shocked and weeping. I did know Nate super well, but he has been such a blessing and light since I first met him. I remember getting to know him and his brothers a bit at apollo and then spending time during the week at SOAR in Montreal with them. I had the chance to sing on a worship team with Nate a couple times and his passion and love for God and for the people around him was always such a huge encouragement to me. I have been inspired by his care and love for everyone he meets, making them feel special and loved.

My heart breaks for Rosanna and the whole Toews-Loewen family. Seeing another family go through such a shocking tragedy brings up a lot of the feelings I had during the times when my brother and dad died and my heart breaks for them, because I feel a piece of the pain they are feeling. This last week I have wept for the loss of Nathan, but also for losses I have experienced. At first I felt bad and guilty, because it wasn't about that, but then I realized that part of going through different feelings of grief again is being able to empathize and feel for those going through it.

It has brought back thoughts for me of whether it is worth it to love at all, because it hurts so much when you lose those you love. Then I am reminded that "Great love opens the door to great pain." If you want to cut off the pain, you have to cut off the joy and love as well and that is no life at all. The pain hurts, but at the same time, it is a reminder of love and joy. My heart has been heavy with prayers for Rosanna and her family and will continue to be so as they walk through their own individual grief.

I will end with these words from John Donne's Meditation 17:

When one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated. God employs several translators: some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice; but God's hand is in every translation, and his hand shall bind up all our scattered leaves again for that library where every book shall lie open to one another.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Roadtrip to Calgary

I went for lunch with Alex on the Island and asked if she wanted to drive with me to Calgary and she said sure, so then I had a friend to come with me on my travels!! I was driving to Calgary to meet up with friends and to pick up Jacquelyn and Bethany for the next stretch of the roadtrip!
The Bow River with the Rockies in the background

Oh the mountains!!!

Lake Louise would have been a lot nicer if it had 100 less canoes on it

Yay for driving!!

Noah and I at Tammy's house

Cyana and I at Open Sesame for our mini PDF reunion

Jacquelyn, Lindie and Alex

Mark, Reuben and Bethany

Jenn and I
Bethany and Olivia

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Roadtrip to the Island

First off, sorry for the lack of updates! I have been gone and occupied in the short times that I have been home!! But in the next few days I will put up some posts of my last few weeks!! End of June I headed to the Island to visit some friends and to go to my cousin's wedding. It was so good to catch up with people and hang out and have lots of bbqs on the beach! The wedding was great as well!! I love weddings! :)