Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Catching Up

Kristen, Amy and I decided we were going to "study" together for our Theories of Counselling midterm the other day. I think they studied and I sat attempting to distract as well as take pictures! Only one more midterm to go!! (Okay, I only had two, so it wasn't that big of a deal...)

I got a haircut yesterday! I was washing my hair and thought.. "no more growing the hair, let's cut it!" So I called my hairdresser for a walk-in appointment (okay, so that would be my mom...) and voila! There's a pic of me with it straightened, but based on a logical guess, I think it will look shorter when in its natural curly form. So I will post a pic of me and short curly hair next time I allow it to be curly and down! :)

Sad moment: My last fish died the other day. It was actually really sad to take him out of the tank and now it's been sitting in my room empty. The water will probably go murky and smell up my whole room, but I"m still trying to decide whether to buy more fish or to get rid of the tank. Oh the decisions! Any suggestions?

A random picture of me driving the other day while waiting at a red light!

These pictures are a little late, but my friend Heidi and I went golfing on Thanksgiving weekend and it was GLORIOUS! I hadn't golfed in a while and it felt SO good to be out there again! We went to a course called The Falls in Chilliwack. It's all on a mountain and the views are breathtaking! Plus, it was an absolutely beautiful day. I had never golfed there before and shot 104, which wasn't bad considering... On this course, you need to be able to hit straight, otherwise your ball is off the cliff or in the woods. But I thought I was fairly straight shooting! I'm looking forward to going back! Especially since I get to drive a golf cart!

I decided why not stop during my game for a few shots of myself and the leaves...

The Falls.. I'm assuming these are representative of the course name..

Got a bit hungry while playing...

So, this last weekend, i feel as though I am finally caught up on the school spectrum of things! For the first time this semester I'm actually looking ahead at what is coming up rather than the things that I need to catch up on from the previous week. It feels SO good. I had one midterm and actually only have one more, which is nice! I just have lots of huge projects coming up in November! But for now, I will try to enjoy October..

I have been learning a lot about myself lately, which has been good, but exhausting. Lots of stuff coming out that I didn't know was there, but it is good to wade through it all.

This weekend I am looking forward to getting even more caught up on school and hopefully taking some good pics! I just got a new gadget for my camera that I order a couple of months ago and I'm really excited to try it out! So stay tuned for some new and interesting pictures! (I will tell you about the attachment when I have the photos).

I also am back at the gym again! My pool got winterized for the winter last friday, so on saturday i headed back to use their pool!! So far I am up to swimming 2.1 kms (104 laps) and my goal is to eventually get to 4km! It feels great though!

And that is all for now.


Anonymous said...

All my fish died too. They smelled bad and I realized one was dead and kind of getting eaten by the filter one day....haven't gone to check on the other a few

YAY i made vanessas blog!

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you're learning so much about yourself. :) thanks for posting that charming picture of me, i've been waiting in anticipation for that to emerge! see you in 27 minutes! :D

Chrys said...

How sad that you have no fish. Was that the one I bonded so well with while you were gone? We had some good times.
Love the pictures today. I'll call you this weekend about church and movie and whatever else!

elisa said...

I love the new hair cut! In all our years I can't remember your hair really ever being straight - correct me if I'm wrong! That's too bad about the fish, I love fish so I would get a new one, or maybe 2 :)

Kristen Hamilton said...

i started a blog. go.

Yvonne said...

First off I don't think I've ever seen your hair straight - looks good:) Second, I definitely think you should buy more fish. Some bright colorful ones. Good luck on your next midterm - bye for now!

Theresa said...

Will the store sell you any more fish?!?!?! hehehe
Hang in there friend! Keep wading!

Lovella ♥ said...

I agreed with the others too. Your hair looks great straight but I've always envied real curls.

I'm sorry you lost your last fish, we lost our pup and we're giving ourselves a little time to replace. I think I'll go check our pond and count the fish.