Thursday, August 25, 2005

evil nature

i just finished a book called three, which really started me thinking again on something i think about often: evil and us and our sin natures. here's one quote from the book:
"Though being freed from sin, most remain slaves, blinded and gagged by their own deception. The good that I would, that I do not do and that which I would not, that I do. Welcome to the church in America."
So true. We've all been freed but over and over again we reject this free gift of God and go on living as slaves to the sin which technically has no power over us. how stupid we are sometimes.


Jason said...

I think some of the main weaknesses in the North American church are indifference and lack of know of sin. Sin isn't confessed to each other, it's hardly even mentioned in a lot of evagelistic outreaches, not something we "like" to talk about. Which makes me think a lot of people don't really know the real depth of what Jesus did! How often do you hear repentance preached? How often do you hear people talking about sins they have turned from FOR REAL, not just "oh yeah, I confessed my sin and was forgiven"?
I think indifference goes hand in hand with the problem. It might even BE the root of the problem, we North Americans sure can laugh off and shrug off a lot.....

Jason said...

****that's "lack of KNOWLEDGE of sin"******

Vanessa said...

it's amazing though how the closer I get to God I realize how incredibly sinful I am. My self-righteousness that I've built up comes tumbling down as i realize that every single thing I do not in dependance on God is sin.. so since a lot of things I do are done "independant" of God, most of my life is sin, even if i'm doing good things. quite a sobering thought really.

Jason said...

that is precisely what happens. His Glory shines brighter the closer you get, revealing more and more of our true wickedness. I have always been covinced that humility is just a correct view of our true standing. Someone truely humble doesn't think "I'm gonna be humble", it's a natural response to seeing God for who He is. And walking in that knowledge everyday.
Our helplessness is not talked about very often because we live in a place where "we control our destiny, believe in yourself, follow your heart, you can make your dreams come true,the strength is inside you", you've heard it on TV in every movie, song lyrics, etc.
Some of those things are true to a degree but the preachers of that message carry it to the extreme.