Sunday, September 25, 2005

ungodly beliefs

In the last week, the topic of ungodly beliefs has come up twice and it's funny, because the first time God was really tugging at my heart about it and I ignored it. When I heard it a second time, I realized that I really need to deal with some of the ungodly beliefs in my life.

What things am I believing that are warping the way I view things in my day to day life? There's some things about God that deep down I believe about Him that change the way I relate to Him in a negative way. I relate to others differently based on my ungodly belief of relationships and people, etc. These beliefs are contrary to the word of God and to His character! I have to continually be examining myself, because the enemy is a liar and obviously he's going to try to put lies into my life...I have to contradict those with the solid truth of God. So I encourage you all to examine and see where there may be some ungodly beliefs creeping around in your own lives...

1 comment:

leslie said...

thanks ness