Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Too often I think I'm better than those around me. Deep down I know it's not true, but I put this belief in my head, because I think I'm afraid of others being better than me. In my pride, I always want to be the best. And so I go through whatever means I have to in order to make myself think that... whether that means looking down on others, judging others, gossiping and so on. How horrible it is when I look at it. That I would rip others apart to build myself up, all in my head.

I think deep down I think everyone else is better than me and so all the other stuff is trying to cover up that belief (which is ungodly yes). We are all on an even playing field. I've sinned and am totally dirty without Christ. That makes me just as much a sinner as the next person. We've all fallen short of His glory one way or another... and He loves us all, no matter what. I need to stop looking at others through my narrow-minded love that doesn't go too far for fear of lowering myself and I need to start looking at others through Christ's wide, deep and overflowing love which knows no bounds. What a transformed life and attitude I would have.

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