Thursday, November 24, 2005


God has been teaching me a lot practically in my life about stuff I knew before, but have never really had to apply to my life in such a drastic way! Obedience to Him requires risks. There might be unknowns, there might be what if's, but He's God! And so I can have faith and trust Him completely, because He's got the master plan and knows exactly what's going on. He's shown me that He want sme to move to Quebec next summer which is a risky move for lots of reasons. But He is trustworthy and He's been showing me that more and more with a few details and reminders this week that have been absolutely amazing!! Totally washing away any doubts I had before. He is a good God and I can trust Him with my life, because He knows what He's doing!

1 comment:

April said...

Does that mean you'll be returning to the Torchbearer fellowship? It would be great to have you on board although you already will be come January as you enter into Faith in India.

I had to ask Philip A today what the connection is between you two. I just couldn't figure it out. Small world.

I enjoy reading your blog Vanessa.
