Monday, December 05, 2005

are you excited?

I have been requested to update-sorry for the delay!

Things have been busy. I've been working lots and trying to cram as much into every day as I can before I head off to India! I think I'm getting sick though, so perhaps burning the candle at both ends wasn't the best idea!

People keep asking me if I'm excited to go to India. I guess I am. Not particularly though. Not that I don't want to go, but for now I'm just excited to be alive and be living that life that I have where I'm at, serving God where He's placed me. So what to say when people ask me... I haven't really thought much about going to India to be honest. Just living in the here and now and that is exciting enough for me! And when India becomes the here and now I will still be excited. :)


TonyandKaylen said...

why are you going to india? (i feel like a stalker)

Vanessa said...

i'm going to india to work at a bible school