Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I love music. I am either singing, humming or simply listening, but I love being surrounded by music whenever I can, especially when driving. While I driving I turn my music as loud as I can (without blowing the speakers) and sing along at the top of my lungs.

Tonight however God was pointing out to me how I let music overtake my mind. Don't get me wrong. Music is a wonderful thing and is an incredible gift from God, but I have taken the gift and let it crowd up my mind, leaving room for little else. As I was listening to the Lord tonight, there was some stuff He was speaking and I knew it was there, but I couldn't hear all of it, because I had this one song stuck in my head that kept repeating itself over and over again. So I think God is asking me to tone it down on the music a bit. As I think about it, I would like to resist and say no way! I love my music too much! But when I see that attitude, i realize that my attitude towards music is not so great and needs to change. So for the next while I will attempt to live more in silence and hear what the Lord is speaking to me.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow so I'll have two and a half days off work: yay! Work is the only place where I'm "forced" to be around music. I'm guessing the next few days will be good for simply being in silence and for listening. Hard to do, but I'm looking forward to it at the same time.

1 comment:

Robin M said...

i know what you mean about the music thing. in my first year of bible school, God asked me to get rid of my music collection (my pride & joy!) and start over. i had a lot of crap music, so it was good to start fresh, but mostly it was a distraction for me; a way to shut everything out.

so good luck with that! :)