Tuesday, January 10, 2006

car alarms and television

For Christmas I got a car alarm installed in my car. It was kind of nice, but I didn't really think it too necessary and after tonight I strongly dislike it. I was going to bible study with two friends and when we got out of my car (in the middle of a subdivision i might add), the alarm started going off. The horn just kept blaring and the hazard lights kept flashing. Finally after about five minutes, it turned off and stayed off. It was kind of funny, because we were all standing in the pouring rain trying to turn it off. Three hours later (later as in the children in this subdivision are probably sleeping), the moment i unlock my car doors, the alarm resumes. Not desiring to wake up the whole neighborhood, we quickly drove away (may i mention that the car alarm was still going off...) So here we are driving along with the horn blaring intermittently and the hazards flashing. I tried taking side roads home to have less people stare. On the middle of the drive home, the alarm stopped. I was happy...Until it started going off again upon my arrival home. After a while it has turned off but there is a little symbol of a hammer smashing the window on my controller. I sit here nervous, hoping it won't go off again, or in the middle of my peaceful slumber... Amidst my frustration, I did think it hilarious that we were driving along the road with the horn blasting every second. We were laughing quite hard.

Lately I've been thinking about how I should watch more television. But when I actually think about that, i realize that is not such a bright idea (for me). I usually don't watch tv and am quite happy with that. I know I would enjoy it and get sucked in and it would make me think things I shouldn't think, hope for things and situations I don't have and be discontent and dissatisfied with life. Yet more and more my flesh longs for it. I am glad to be aware that this idea was from my flesh though.

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