Sunday, February 19, 2006

Through Painted Deserts

I've decided that since I'm on 'Operation: Read all my books', that I would write out a few of my thoughts about each one once I finish reading them.

I just finished reading 'Through Painted Deserts' by Donald Miller and thorougly enjoyed it. It's written on a road trip that was taken across the States. It was enjoyable to read about the adventures they had during the travel but also the thoughts that were thought and lessons that were learned about the simplicity of life and enjoying it. I want to write out a quote that really made me think-let me know what you think about it.

"Life is not a story about me, but it is being told to me, and I can be glad of that. I think that is the why of life and, in fact, the why of this ancient faith I am caught up in: to enjoy God. The stars were created to dazzle us, like a love letter...Relationships between men and women indicate something of the nauture of God-that he is relational, that He feels love and loss. It's all metaphor, and the story is about us; it's about all of us who God made, and God Himself, just enjoying each other. It strikes me how far the commercials are from this reality, how deadly they are perhaps. Months ago I would have told you life was about doing, about jumping through religious hoops, about impressing other people, and my actiosn would have told you this is done by buying possessions or keeping a good image or going to church. I don't believe that anymore. I think we are supposed to stand in deserts and marvel at how the sun rises. I think we are supposed to sleep in meadows and watch stars dart across space and time. I think we are supposed to love our friends and introduce people to the story, to the peaceful, calming why of life. I think life is spirituality."

So there you have it. A thought from the book I just read. About the simplicity of life and enjoying God our Creator rather than getting caught up in the rat race of this world.

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