Sunday, February 26, 2006

Velvet Elvis

Upon reading a post about this book (Velveet Elvis by Rob Bell) by a fellow blogger, i decided to pick the book up and read it as well. It was a wonderful read and I was challenged in many ways and it certainly set me to thinking. A lot of good poitns and good reminders of things I have long forgotten.

And so, being true to what I said before, as I finish books, I will share a bit about what I've been learning with them. This one I could share something from every chapter, but I will leave you with one quote. Basically he's talking about how if you're a Christian, it will overflow into evey area of your life and everything becomes sacred.

"My understanding is that to be Christian is to do whatever it is that you do with great passion and devotion. We throw ourselves into our work because everything is sacred. I love how Paul put it in Colossians: 'Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.' He is teaching people to live as Christians, and then whatever they do will be sacred, holy work....This is why it is impossible for a Christian to have a secular job. If you follow Jesus and you are doing what you do in his name, then it is no longer seculr work; it's sacred. You are there; God is there. The difference is our awareness."

1 comment:

Jonathan Klassen said...

Good read eh? I totally agree with that quote you have up there. But...there are somethings in this book I don't agree with. The chapter "Jump" of instance. It is all stated in my last post on my blog.