Saturday, April 01, 2006

filling up fast!

Well, as of tonight, I officially have four jobs! Whee!! I am working at Starbucks, picking up shifts at apollo, cleaning and now tutoring! all are quite different and add a lot of variety, so that's kind of cool. Yesterday I was tempted to get overwhelmed with a bunch of stuff that I have to do, when I realized that I simply need to take a step back and just focus on the Lord and rest in Him. He can take care of it all and He's big enough-I just need to continually maintain an eternal perspective.

I finished reading a book called 'feminine appeal' and it was great. it's geared for mothers and wives, but it's for single people as well and i was very challenged and encouraged by it. i'd like to share one of the quotes from it that really challenged me.

Carolyn Mahaney quotes from one of her husband, CJ's books:
"When I become bitter or unforgiving toward others, I'm assuming that the sins of others are more serious than my sins against God. The cross transforms my perspective. Through the cross I realize that no sin commited against me will ever be as serious as the innumerable sins I've commited against God. When we understand how much God has forgiven us, it's not difficult to forgive others."

This was a great reminder for me, especially as Easter is coming up. But just to continually remember what Christ did for me and view all my relationships and interactions through that.

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