Tuesday, March 28, 2006


this morning i was kind of frustrated over some things and i decided to go to my prayer room (took my long enough to get there over the last few weeks). and it was so wonderful to simply be still before the Lord. and to simply rest in His presence and to simply BE. i miss out on it so much but it's so important! and it was so great and refreshing to simply spend time at His feet. I forget too that I can be in this place throughout my whole day.

It's interesting, because over and over again I work I find it so hard to be mindful of God. I kind of go to work, forget about God altogether and then remember Him afterwards. but I know my days at work would be SO much better if I included Him. something to work on remembering for sure!

Off to bed as i have to work in eight hours. and i get to go to the canucks game tomorrow night! yay!! Go Canucks go!


leslie said...

riding in the big white van

leslie said...

...couver sucks

TonyandKaylen said...

that was funny :) I don't follow it too closely, but I think the canucks are an enemy right now (for playoff standings?)
meh, have fun anyways!
and i'm glad you enjoyed your prayer room!

Vanessa said...

YAY! Canucks won 2-1!! hoorah! and kaylen, it has nothing to do with playoff standings really.. it's just a song we used to sing while driving in the big white van at school.. well the first part and then someone added the couver sucks at the end and it was funny, but also a little bit sad, because that person was making themselves to lie!!! hehe...

TonyandKaylen said...

hehe :) I know, and I thought it was really funny. I mean, I think Tony told me that LA is trying to chase the canuks in playoff standings. I don't pay much attention though so I'm not completely sure

Vanessa said...

well, we're tied for sixth in the division and L.A. is still five points behind... only time shall tell!

Kristal Sawyer said...

Vanessa...thank you SO much for your encouraging comment on my blog. It's so funny...I've been thinking about that a lot lately--that the Lord has the perfect day picked out for this little one! We may not understand why it's not TODAY (or yesterday, or the day before...) but He knows the plans He has for us. Thank you for allowing God to use you--because you allowed Him to encourage me through your words.
