Friday, May 19, 2006

adventures galore!

Yesterday was fantastic! We drove to Whistler and on the way stopped at a bunch of provincial parks, mainly to see waterfalls (check out my pictures blog, there's plenty on there!) We stopped at Shannon Falls, Brandywine Falls (which was named after two railway guys wagering brandy or wine as to how high the falls were) and Nairn Falls. It was all beautiful and amazing! We even saw a couple of black bears along the way! THey looked really nice and fluffy, but we decided it might be best if we didn't go over and pet it.. Figured he might not appreciate that much!

It was amazing just to be outside yesterday! Surrounded by creation! Fantastic really and I continually stand in awe of the beauty of it all. It's astounding how powerful the water is that flows and how everything is formed so wonderfully! Hard not to praise God upon seeing His marvelous creation. And to think that all this that He's created is only a tiny reflection of how beautiful, majestic and glorious He is!! It blows me away sometimes. What a great God we serve!

This morning was rough going back to work. And the idea crossed my mind to take the summer off, enjoy life, travel and just be. See lots of stuff, take lots of pictures. It would be an adventure to be sure! But I'm up for it.. I just need to decided whether or not I should quit my job... Any thoughts?

Anyway, hope you all enjoy the long weekend! I'll be working! But it's supposed to rain, so I don't really mind too much because my days off were gloriously sunny!

1 comment:

The Lamoureux's said...

I would sure miss your smiling face at Starbucks. Its a nice start to my day when I'm not quite feeling like going to work. Looks like you enjoyed your time off! Have a great weekend