Monday, May 22, 2006

it's official!

It's official: i quit my job! I'm actually quite sad about it, but it feels so right at the same time. I will miss it to be sure, but i'm excited for the two months I will have off. I said I would work until the end of June to help cover some vacation time and then i'll be gone. I think I'll try and go back in the fall if they'll take me though while i'm going to school.

I figured this was my last summer completely free and I want to take full advantage of it. SO I will travel away! I'm goign to Quebec for three weeks and then hopefully I will go on a cruise for two weeks with my mom to the Greek Isles. I'd like to do a road trip to Calgary and perhaps one down to the states as well, but we will see how everything goes!!

It'll be good to just step back. I dont' say no enough and so at work I would just get loaded down with a lot of random hours, especially on my days off. and it'll be good to remove myself from some of the stuff that frustrates me there... always good to take a step back for sure.

So anyway, that's the latest for me. if anyone has any trip suggestions let me know!!


The Lamoureux's said...

I'm so excited for you! It sounds like you are already making plans. Can't wait to hear all about the trips. Call me this week if you have time. I'm free a few nights.

Brittany said...

i know we don't know eachother too well, but you're welcome to stay with us here in portland for free if you're passing through or anything. we love company, and i think we're pretty friendly!! YAY FOR TRAVELS AND NO WORK!

Anonymous said...

So I assume that at least a day or so of those 3 weeks in Quebec are reserved to go gallavanting around Quebec City with me... We're moving and we love having people over!! Call me Nessa and we'll chat. Happy summer and travels!!

leslie said...

...and this road trip to calgary, if only it could take a detour north aswell, that would be WONDERFUL.