Monday, May 15, 2006

winds of change...

So I just found out today that I've been accepted to attend Trinity Western University in the fall! Yay! I never actually thought I would go there, especially not right now, but it goes to show just how much things can change from our expectations! And on top of it all, I just found out today that I get a 3000 dollar academic scholarship from the school for the year! Yay! It just keeps coming! I'll be entering into the Psychology program and will major in that and hopefully go on to get my masters in Christian Counselling! We will see where it all goes!!

So that's news I guess. I'll be sticking around here for a while. I'll be heading to Montreal for a few weeks in July though to help out with Youth Mission International's SOAR program that they have there every year. Should be exciting! So that's what's new with me! And Lindie is coming to visit tomorrow! Yippee!! What an unexpected but so delightful surprise!


TonyandKaylen said...

Congrats! That's exciting! And congrats on the scholarship!! Those are hard to come by. Best of luck with it!

The Lamoureux's said...

Congratulations Vanessa, this is so exciting! It was great to see you this morning! Hope your day was awesome!

amelia said...

yay! congrats on the school thing! you should hook up with my friend steven while you are there, I went to high school with him and he was a nice guy. haha, I always find it funny when people say stuff like that. like he will be the first person you meet in the entire university. haha.