Thursday, June 22, 2006

June 22nd

1. Worked this morning and it was interesting. Very busy and not enough people on. For about an hour I ran back and forth making drinks for drive-thru and front. I think we had about 45 customers in a half hour (and each customer orders an average of two or more drinks...) so i was busy and tired by the end of it. now exhaustion has caught up with me.

2. had a bit of a spat with a co-worker today but it kind of got left unresolved. I get so incredibly frustrated while working there. Everything chaotic and no one fully knows where they are and what their roles are. Not good for a work environment. Fine when it's slow but bad when it's busy.

3. Only four more shifts though!

4. Today I walked around Mill Lake and upon driving in, I noticed that the playground 30 km/hr sign had been switched with black tape or something to 80 km/hr. haha.. at first i had to double take because i was shocked at the speed limit being so high, especially in a park! :)

5. I started reading a book at work today on my break (although I was outside and it was sunny and I couldn't see, so I stopped). but on the first two pages that i read, this quote stuck out to me:

6. " To be satisfied by the beauty of God does not come naturally to sinful people. By nature we get more pleasure from God's gifts than from himself." -John Piper

7. What do you guys think of that? I was reminded of how often I praise creation versus the creator, the blessings versus the Blesser...

8. went for japanese taday at midori and it was all right. not the best though. Although I hear two new japanese restaurants are opening up in abbotsford!

9. i changed my church's sign this week (as i do weekly) and it was funny, because i had the whole thing laid out (letters out of the box) when I got to the last letter and realized i was short one letter! so i had to switch what it would say. I must order more Y's!!

10. I really want to go take a nap.. but then I know i won't sleep tonight.

11. had my first summer slurpee today and it was good. Mountain Dew and Pepsi!

12. my car gets really hot in the sun-good ol' black leather!

13. I have milk marks on my work shirt. Normal after work, but this time they're on my shoulder.. haha.. I wonder how they got there!! Must be a crazier worker than I thought!

14. Yesterday i thought it was monday, today i think it's friday. boy my week has gone fast!

15. saw my favorite drive-thru customer twice today! Yay! but it was during rushes, so it was quick, but always fun

16. funny because after working at starbucks for five months, I've probably only ever worked from till about four or five times, two or three of those were in my training! haha.. either they like me on drive-thru and they schedule me for those shifts, or i'm just lucky to get it! because a day not on drive-thru is sometimes a bit sad... like tomorrow! but i'm sure it'll still be bearable somehow!

17. My popped blister hurts even more now after rubbing against my shoe all day at work.

18. met some of my neighbors at the shady customer service canada post booth where the people on my street have to drive fifteen minutes to get our mail every day until our community box comes. oh silly mail company. sucks to have to drive that far to pick up your mail! plus, they're only open until 2:30 every day which isn't too handy!

19. I leave in exactly one week!! Hoorah!

20. I want to go swimming but I think changing into the bathing suit and opening to pool would take far too much effort.

21. I will rather go lie on a blanket on the lawn and perhaps fall asleep if I'm so lucky!

22. I think the fall's going to be really busy for me. I'm excited for all the stuff happening though. Methinks I won't be working though. Tough decision for me. Any thoughts?


TonyandKaylen said...

I leave one week from today too! yippee!

amelia said...

22. I say if you don't have to work while in school, don't do it! There is plenty of time in life to work, I think while in school, you should focus on school work and friends.