Wednesday, June 21, 2006

June 21st

1. Happy Birthday Mom!

2. I baked my mom two cakes today for her birthday and they were absolutely beautiful! So nicely decorated I was shocked that I had actually made them! I took some pictures and will surely post them soon!

3. Went to Greek Islands for dinner and it was good as usual. Had some Chicken Cordon Bleu and it was excellent.

4. I opened this morning and it was a good time, although i was pretty tired by the end from the built up lack of sleep. Also it was super busy. Lots of different thoughts about work right now, trying to sort through them all.

5. I was working at two in the afternoon tomorrow, but then I decided it would be a splendid idea to switch someone shifts so that I was opening! Haha.. This week I will have done five opens at 4:15 am!! eek! i dont' think it would be that bad if I actually went to bed early... maybe tonight I'll make it in bed by midnight.

6. Today was the longest day of the year!! And summer is here! Someone in drive-thru told me today that because of the gravitational pull, eggs will stand upright on a counter.. so that was my new topic of conversation and so i tried it when i got home and it didn't work. i was a bit sad.

7. we caught a mouse today. kind of exciting.

8. realized at work again that in my pride i have trouble submitting to authority especially. i need to cloak myself in His humility!! Hard to do though, because I'm so hard headed and proud!

9. tonight when i was with my family i was reminded again sometimes how i'm not myself. it's weird. and i try to be, but can't. what is it? fear of rejection perhaps? seems like i should be natural with my family because they're closest to me, but for the most part it's just awkward. and that makes me sad.

10. i'm drinking water right now and it tastes absolutely amazing. yum!

11. my mom is talking on the phone right now with her feet up on the desk and i am looking at her feet. what strange thigns feet are when you just htink of them on their own.

12. birthdays. what's special about them? some people hate them because they're getting older, etc. but really, it's a celebration of life! Look at all the years God has blessed people with and rather than dread it, we should celebrate it. more thoughts on that some other day.

13. there's a picture of me from grade eight on my mom's desk and it's really funny. i should change it.

14. today all day i felt like it was monday and it definitely threw me off. i kept asking people at work how their weekend was. oops!

15. right now it'smy favorite time of day when the sky is all various shades of blue.. ah, the beauty of dusk! goes from bright blue on one end to dark blue on the other.

16. on sunday we are roasting a pig. i will for sure post pictures. we do it every year.

17. i am admiring this fake tree in the office but i don't really think too fondly of it.

18. i really want to post the cake pictures, but i'm too lazy to go to my bedroom to get my memory card.

19. now i feel like baking things. anyone want anything? hehe..

20. my bed is unmade and ready for me to crawl into it.

21. haven't had much quality time with my bed lately. need to invest more into that relationship.

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