Wednesday, June 28, 2006

June 28th

1. My first day of not being employed-and what a glorious day it was!

2. Started the day off with a morning round of golf with my brother chad. it was one of my worst games but then again, i haven't golfed in three years!!

3. Trying to get my golf clubs together, i realized some are missing, including my golf bag, which makes me a bit sad...

4. Had some eggo waffles in the toaster this morning and the ones i made for my brother were burned. how sad that i can not even "cook" those properly, yet I can cook many other wonderful things!

5. Cleaned my fish tank today and took out some more gravel. I started with way too much initialy which created some of the health problems in the tank s well as some of the deaths.

6. I'm worried for my fish after tomorrow when I'm gone. Hope they're all alive upon my return.

7. Washed my car today too. I know it will get filthy on the drive to Calgary tomorrow, but I wanted to clean it for today! And boy did I enjoy the shimmery shinyness of it all!

8. When I was washing my car, the sprayer didn't fit on right and consequently sprayed me the whole time and then i was soaked. It was hot out though so I didn't mind too much!

9. left the house to run millions of errands.. i love running errands!

10. i went to visit theo at his work today and he played some of the pianos for me and they sounded amazing!! makes me think that perhaps i should start playing again.

11. sandy and i were going to go buy snacks for our road trip from costco. then we realized that it would be silly to buy anything that mass/bulk size for the two of us on a road trip. hahaha... so we went to walmart instead.

12. i started packing but to no avail. then i had to leave again!!

13. theo and i went to bard on the beach tonight: measure for measure. it was good, although beacuse of traffic we missed the first twenty minutes, so i wasn't totally sure in the beginning what was going on!

14. i still have to pack. i have a bunch of stuff sitting on my bed and no suitcase to put it in (they went missing...)

15. the stars were amazing tonight!! and dusk.. the mountains and the ocean silhouetted by the yellow glow mixed with blues after the sun was gone was beautiful!

16. i'm really hungry right now.. but it's silly to eat at midnight.

17. Funny how two people can talk about something but never quite talk about it. Frustrating actually when you just want to talk about it...

18. I have weird bumps on the top of my hand.

19. My shirt smells like coconut!

20. i wish my clothes would hop into the suitcase and pack themselves!!

21. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! i'm leaving in seven hours and i'm not ready. i would like to sleep too.. seeing that i have a long drive ahead of me!

22. they put up the new freeway signs for the mt. lehman exit today!! they look great! good to have a proper sign ahead of time now!

23. twice tonight i didn't merge right away for construction because i didn't see it. then last minute i switched lanes upon noticing the subtle flashing lights and cones in front of me. a bright and observant one i am.

24. in the next couple days, my apologies of the post is a day or two late.. it will come, but i dont' know what computer access will be like!

25. june is almost over. that's crazy. seems like it hasn't even started yet!! how time flies.

26. i feel as though i am filling the numbers aimlessly..

27. oh wait! that's what i truly am doing!

28. BYE everyone!! Tune in soon to hear happenings from the travels of vanessa!!!

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