Friday, June 30, 2006

June 30th

1. The last post of this series of thirty!! can't believe I'm finally at the end (actually i still need 29 more i suppose)

2. had some weird dreams last night,. i was locked in a house that was about to lobw up and all the doorways were blocked with detonators or something. then i tore down the wall so i could get out. strange. so much more to the dream, but i do not want to write it all out!

3. we went to the calgary zoo today!! it's about my fourth time and i really enjoy it!

4. it was raining cotton like crazy while walking past the elephants.

5. the monkeys were really fun jumping back and forth and falling. it was a bit odd but fun to watch.

6. went to a creatures of the night exhibit and the bats were huge.

7. we were watching the hippos about a foot away eating and lindie goes, "oh, we just missed the feeding by fifteen minutes!" then she looked ahead and noticed they were eating already meaning in a way we were watching the feeding.

8. saw some people getting married

9. i got a bunch of pictures of sandy chasing a peacock cuz i wanted a picture of her petting it.

10. i had lots of stuff about the zoo that i could write stuff about, but now i can't remember.

11. my feet are really really dirty and gross. solid black actually.

12. went to pete's drive-in tonight and they have the best burgers!! yay for alberta beef!

13. just played some jenga but i kept ruining it by pulling out bad ones.

14. played chicken's foot and won twice. hoorah!

15. now we're going to go to a movie tonight.

16. lindie had to pick up a lifejacket for her parents dog today. i thought that was pretty funny.

17. now i'm sitting against a sharp corner that is digging into my back. ouch. too tired to move though!!

18. it's nice and warm outside and there was some freak hailstorm and raining,b ut it sure mad ehtings interesting. i hve now sad interesting way too many times in this post.

19. i dont' think i will ever do this format for my blogs again,b ecause by the end of the month it's brutal!!

20. mm.. i have cherries in my trunk and would like to eat them.

21. i am wearing my white hat right now and really like it.

22. my car is still relatively clean after the drive.. i was surprised. it's dirty but still has a nice shine.

23. now i'm trying to rack my brain for something i can write on here.

24. i'm wearing my jean capris that i found in my closet while loooking for thing sto pack.

25. i have a lot of mosquito bites and they're itchy.

26. today at the zoo we took more pictures of us with stupid signs than the animals.

27. sandy wanted to go to the dinosaur area which wasn't that exciting.. we thought maybe they'd be mechanical and exciting but no such luck!

28. i'm really enjoying my time in calgary, it's good times.

29. my arms are sore.

30. i'm done!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

amelia said...

Yesterday as I drove by a Starbucks in your town on the way to the airport, I looked out the window hoping to see you, but I didn't. Then later I was in the Calgary airpot and I hoped to see Lindie, but again I didn't. But it would seem you two were at the Calgary ZOO, and that is why I did not see you.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your trip!!