Friday, July 07, 2006


All right, so since the last post, I flew from Calgary to Quebec where I have been since Tuesday night! Hung out in Montreal for a bit and went out for dinner, so that was fun. Now I've been visiting the bible school I went to and it's been so good to hang out with people here and chat. Had some really good conversations and times of sharing and encouragement, etc. Had some good times to hash some stuff out with God too which has been good. Playing with the kids has been so great too! Oh how they've grown!

THe bugs here keep biting me and are quite annoying! Sunday I head to Montreal to start SOAR where I will actually now be co leading a missions team! Surprise! It's a team from Quebec and I'm actually really excited! Totally unexpected and kind of scary in some ways for me, especially since it's all in French, but it will be good and I'm looking forward to what GOd's up to!

NOw it's past midnight and time for bed!! Hope you are all doing well! Oh! I tried uploading a picture and it didn't work so you will have to keep checking back! sorry!

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