Sunday, July 23, 2006

A lovely day in Montreal

Well it's Sunday and two more days until I head home! This weekend has been a lot cooler which I have been so grateful for! Friday night we had a rock, jazz and blues concert in one of the parks which was great. So good to talk to all the people who had come out as well. Yesterday was debrief day and it was really encouraging to hear sharing within my own team and in the larger group as to what God has been doing. Exciting to see how people minds and perspectives have been changed!

This morning I'm going to a church called Curious. What we're doing today is going to a cemetary and walking around alone for one to two hours and then we come together and discuss what our different thoughts were. I'm really excited for it, because it's totally different! I can't believe my time here is almost done. I'm excited to come home though! It's been really good to meet some different people here and I have really been encouarged by different friendships that I've been blessed with while here. Lots of different thoughts going through my head, but it's been really good to think through all of it. Oh and I found out that one of my fish died in my absence. Sniffle sniffle. Now there are three and the tank hasn't been cleaned in a month and from what I hear you can't quite see through it!

As I've been here, one of the biggest things I've been learning is that I needed to surrender my expectations to God first and foremost. I had expectation coming in and I wanted God to come join me in what I thought should happen, especially in our team. Then I realized once again that God's ways and plans are far bigger than my own and I need to surrender my expectations to Him and ask Him what He's doing and join Him in what He's doing. So it's been good as I've readjusted and the thing that God keeps affirming me in is that even if all I do is pray for the time I'm here for my time, that's enough. Hard because I want to see stuff, but good, because I can trust Him in what He's doing. So that's my story for the day... hope you're all doing well and especially those in abby enjoying the brutal heat!

1 comment:

Chrys said...

Yay! I can't wait to see you and hear all about your trip. Sounds like it was quite an experience. Enjoy your last 2 days!