Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The View Outside My Window

We are staying in College Notre Dame which is directly across the street from St. Joseph's Oratory, North America's largest Catholic pilgrimage. It's a crazy sight to see every time I look out the window! The building we're in is over one hundred years old and we're staying in the school across the street. The guy who built St. Joseph's used to be the doorkeeper at the place where we're staying and he's always look up at the hill and think about building a church there. Crazy!

All the facilities here are amazing! Especially compared to last year! Especially the kitchen! Last year we were cooking for 150 people out of what was pretty much like a home kitchen... this year we have a giant industrial kitchen! And Son, a Cambondian chef has been working iwth us the last few days. He was there last year and is absolutely great! So energetic and willing to serve and always with a smile!

I'm really tired and a bit sick, but I am learning lots. Realizing again and again how incredibly selfish I am and how I need the Lord to strip that way. Scary to pray though... but this is an adventure to be sure!

Was reminded today as I was reading through some genealogies in the bible that rather than simply living with God, I need to walk with Him. Interesting to think of the implications of that. Anyway, I have to return to mass sized kitchen to cook dinner for thirty people! My team arrives tomorrow night!! Yay!

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