Monday, September 18, 2006

school and shaving cream

Sorry for the lack of posts of late (although it's fitting with the lack of comments..), but things have been busy with school and with life! I am loving being back in school. It's so great to be in a place of learning and critical thinking and examining everything that's placed before me. My favorite class so far is the one i wasn't looking forward to at all: History! Pre-confederation history of canada to be exact. When I listen to our professor speak it's so incredibly inspiring and it stirs up this passion and love for what history truly is and what it can be! Not just a bunch of dates, names and events to memorize. It's the class that God's been teaching me the most in as well as far as relating to Him goes and seeing different things in my life that need change. Interesting. I am also thoroughly enjoying my other classes, especially golf! (how can you not love golf as a class!)

I just got back from Divorce Care for Kids, a ministry I lead at my church. It is a really great ministry, but my attitude in leading it often isn't right. It's weird because the moment I'm driving there, it seems as though this cloud of gloom falls over me. And I dread it and have a bad attitude. Totally not of God! So I need to keep surrendering that to God! So if you think of me on monday nights, pray for me! Oh, the shaving cream-almost forgot. Tonight one of the things we did was spread shaving cream with our hands all over the table and then drew pictures in it. it was pretty fun. pretty hard to clean up too! haha.. and now my hands smell very strongly like shaving cream-at least it has moisturizer in it so my hands are soft! haha!


TonyandKaylen said...

shaving cream table is a classic kids thing. It's so fun! I've heard it's actually good for the wood in the table too.

The first time I saw a teacher do it, I was shocked. She was actually squirting shaving cream right onto the table! But now I'm used to it and it's soo fun! :)

That's no good that you feel gloom when you're driving to DC4K
Maybe you should talk to Him and re-examine why you're doing it and if you should continue?

amelia said...

Can you explain to me what divorce care for kids is?

amelia said...

no really, i want to know.

Vanessa said...

it's a ministry that runs alongside adult divorce care. it's equipping kids to be able to see how they're feeling and dealing with things. to know that what they're feeling is okay and to understand how to let that out and to help them come to a place where they are able to share these things, whether it be with a parents or someone else. really neat program and it really is a blessing to work with these kids. hope that clarifies. sorry for the delay of response.

Anonymous said...

hey there vanessa!
today is again monday, (dcfk tonight for you) i finished reading the book of jeremiah this morning and offer these thoughts as encouragment to you: god really impressed on me how horrible jeremiahs' life was (by human standards) and how much he hated what god called him to. but he perservered and followed everywhere god led him, he suffered and he was faithful and loved by god.
so i will hold you up tonight in prayers, to be covered by the assurance that this is your "jeremiah" job. continue in what god is calling you to and you also will be found a good and faithful servant!