Tuesday, October 03, 2006

celebrating life

today was a wonderful day! i think the thing that made it particularly wonderful was that it was full of freedom. freedom to be myself, freedom to share, freedom to cry, freedom to do whatever came next to mind, freedom to simply stop and relax... wonderful.

had business class this morning followed by a great golf class. got my video analysis of my swing, so i'm looking forward to checking that out. then i just got a lot done while at school and then I headed off to one of my favorite places to be alone: Cascade Falls (pictured above) I crawled under the safety line fence and sat near the edge of the cliff, just watching the falls and giving up a lot of things that I've been holding on to. Also releasing some memories that have been plaguing me and giving them up to the Lord. That's partly where the freedom part comes in a little as I felt something lifted off of me and as I returned down the trail to my car, I felt like skipping and leaping as I sang at the top of my lungs in the middle of the woods. It was beautiful! I hope to return again soon.

1 comment:

PeaceLoveandJay said...

I need days like that more often, I got some good time in at PDF, minus the business class and golf swing analysis. (that would be particularly bad)
the trick is finding that within the daily grind i guess.