Thursday, October 05, 2006


i didn't have golf class this morning after business so i decided to kill some time and drive somewhere. i used my gps to find a park and went off in pursuit of walking on some trails in the woods. However, all the trails were grown over so i ended up bush wacking a lot! i sat down in the dry riverbed and just enjoyed being surrounded by the forest as the sun found its way through the trees. What a beautiful reflection of how great our Creator is! Once again, nice to take those little moments out of my day to simply be.


amelia said...

When, WHEN will we find out the fishes names?

Vanessa said...

i said, when twenty people suggest names!

J Isaacs said...

Oh my gosh!! I was just going to post about the fish name thing too! I've been checking every day and I don't think I can take the pressure anymore. Please make it ten, not twenty??

Vanessa said...

okay! two more suggestions and then i shall choose. sorry for the delay folks. the fish haven't been ready to receive names yet anyway, so it's good that we waited.. riight

Anonymous said...

here are my 2cents worth of ideas for your fish, whom I am sure are beginning to have an identity complex from going this long without names. poor little guys.
Black w/ bulgy eyes: something coffee... "decaff", "shot in the dark", "triple shot"??
Bluish one: Stetson.
Bigger white/orane one: Creamsicle.
Little white/orange one: Ol' Bessy
White w/ yellow spots: Shortbread... or maybe Walker, short for Walker's Shortbread
Chocolate one: Randy.