Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My fish have names!!!

Firstly, huge apologies for taking so long on the fish names!! Things have been kind of hectic and I wanted to properly take pictures of my fish and really look at all the names. Thank you everyone for your input! I really enjoyed all the creativity that went into it! And Amy, I really did enjoy yours, but somehow I didn't really want to name my living fish after dead ones I would eat (might become a self-fulfilling prophesy or something!) Sorry the pictures are a little blurry, they wouldn't sit still for the photo! One actually died nameless.. so sad. But there are two in the tank that are previously named: Grover (the deceased Oscar's younger brother) and Ugfi (stands for Ugly Fish, cuz i thought he was kind of ugly..) And here are the rest of the names, the winner will be announced at the bottom!

Since I only got a group shot for this one, it is the little orange and white one just above the archway. And his name is Fergie Jr.

This is Ndizi





Montgomery Millington Kristin III

And the winner is: Kristal!!

Thanks everyone for all your contributions! I will hopefully be busying some more fish soon so there can be a party in the tank, so stay tuned for another competition (and i will name them sooner this time!)

Bye! Hope you enjoy all the new posts below this as well!

1 comment:

Kristal Sawyer said...

WOOHOO!!! I am so proud to say that I name fish really well. =)