Sunday, November 05, 2006

drawing from His strength

This weekend has been busy and full, and for numerous reasons I have become frustrated, overwhelmed and exhausted! As I look ahead this week I'm working a lot and Wednesday I have three midterms and a group project (that i hopes comes together...) and so I am just super excited for Wednesday to be over! And then I will have completed my 11 midterms! Hoorah!

But ya, if you think of me, pray for me, that I would just draw my strength from the Lord and depend on Him in all things for He is my strength and my rock and my refuge in all situations.

And now I am off to church for the Couch (a woman's ministry) and then I get to work at 5:30am tomorrow for two hours before I head to school! Fun! Hope everyone had a good weekend!


April said...

You're already believing in Him. May all God's luck be with you!

Anonymous said...

2 Cor 1:8-9
We were crushed, completly ovewhelmed, but as a result learned not to rely on ourselves, but on God who can raise the dead!

He is ALWAYS there to hold you together as long as we put our trust in Him!

Lovella ♥ said...

Hi, I just visited your blog. You are an amazing photographer. Creation comes to life. I prayed for you today.

April said...

PS. Are you getting rained out there?