Tuesday, November 21, 2006


1. Throughout my days I have moments of inspiration where I think "Hey! I should blog that!" Then my brain cells mush and I forget.

2. I went to the Canucks game on sunday-we won!! and I got on the big screen!! I have been waiting for years to be on that thing! Our whole section was all into getting on the tv, so we were all screaming and pretty excited when it did happen (I only had to stand up and dance a few times...)

3. Three of my fish got flushed yesterday.. It was a very sad moment and I don't really want to talk about it. it makes me sad to think of them... I came home and two were wrapped around the filter and the other was stuck immobile in the plant.. The poor unfortunate fish were Fergie Jr., Maximillion and Montgomery Millington Kristin III.

4. I have been on a homework rampage this evening. However my hours of work have not amounted to a high number of things being done, but I have completed significant things (or so I keep telling myself)

5. The sky has been beautiful of late.. especially on the horizon mixed in with the dark storm clouds

6. I am going to go back to my bed to read about the Union of Upper and Lower Canada (sorry to make you all jealous!)


Kaeli said...

I'm sorry about your fish, Vanessa. It is very sad. How many do you have left now?

amelia said...

i would like to read about the union of upper and lower canada rather than write about how a child's syntax ability develops from infancy to adolescence.

leslie said...

i am sorry about your fisheys.

also: i relate to the homework rampage! i feel like it has been two weeks straight of no personal time and no television and no breaks, and always so little seems to be done! plus in the midst of it i often have a blog thought but discipline myself away from the computer, and lose the thought somehow.