Saturday, November 11, 2006

Proud to be Canadian

So tonight I went to the Canucks game which was great fun (even though they lost...) But there's always next game! So anyway, it being rememberance day they had a special little video and then the veterans were on the ice while the anthem was being sung. After the first line, the guy singing took his mike and stretched it out around the arena and what you could hear was the chorus of everyone in the building singing together. While singing together with my fellow Canadians and watching a video on Canada, I had the strongest overwhelming sense of gratitude. What an amazing country I live in. How often I forget it and take it for granted. We've been talking about the Canadian identity as well in history which has encouraged this thinking in my mind about what exactly it means to be Canadian and I am thankful that I am part of that identity. So yay for being Canadian! Thank-you Lord for creating such a beautiful country that reflects your glory in so many ways!

1 comment:

Jaydes said...

I love Canadian Identity! We have a great itentity apart from the States! You really learn to love and appreciate your countries culture after you've been removed from it. (Speaking as someone who is surrounded by Americans... I am passionate about representing my Canadian identity, which to me means being diplomatic, educated on international issues, pro-hockey and more cautious to enter into a political conversation about war than most)