Monday, January 08, 2007


I didn't take these pictures but I will be taking some just as nice when I go to Barbados at the end of February!!! I am so excited! My friend Lindie is down there for three months and I decided I would go and visit her during my reading break! So end of February off to Barbados I go for a week!! EEEEEE!!! so excited!
In other just as exciting news, school starts tomorrow!! Yippee! Actually I'm kind of excited to get back into the swing of things and be able to organize my time and such. Work's a bit crazy of late, but I'm hoping to hire someone else to take some of the stress off! Happy back to school!!


狼怛 said...

nice to meet you i am a chinese
i like your blog very much

Chrys said...

Hey Vanessa, I'm thinking of you and praying for you today. I'll call you tomorrow.