Friday, February 23, 2007


In seven hours I will be on a plane headed to Toronto which will then bed off to Barbados! And tomorrow at 3pm (11am your time) I will be meeting Lindie at the airport! Yay for Barbados and Yay for friends! I will for sure have some exciting pics when I return, so be sure to stay tuned! I will probably not post for a week, but when I return it will be excitement to the max. :)

My exams both went well yesterday. Funny story actually (good stress reliever). Some friends and I went for dinner at Montana's at four as a going away dinner for one of them. Anyway, I guess we did not leave that much time to get back to school for our six o'clock exam.. I told them they could go to the bathroom at school, so we all got into the car already needing to pee quite badly. So we're cruising along, trying to get back to school and we're coming up to a red light when suddenly we hear the dreaded sound of the train... uh oh... so we're sitting there laughing at the irony of it all about to pee our pants, hoping the light turns green before the train comes! It doesn't and we're stuck behind this train, making us late for the exam.. haha.. But it was a very funny moment as we all needed to pee and we were all splitting a gut laughing so hard. We made it to the exam four minutes late, but they started late anyway so it was all good. All in all quite an adventure!

Now I must go and shower and finish packing and then I'm off!! Feel free to leave me comments in my absence so I have something to read upon my return!! have a good week all!!


Becky said...

by now you are in Barbados, sipping on something cool and refreshing, and lounging about (or would you be renting a scooter and terrorizing the neighbourhood?). I hope you are sinking in the luxury of doing nothing! Enjoy!

J Zacharias said...

hey punkt!
it's great to hear about all your adventures:) i do have to say that your story about everyone needing to pee while the train passed by brought back fond memories for me:) i hope you're having a great time in warm weather (grrr...not jealous!)

Chrys said...

Hey Vanessa! It was a lovely -20 this morning here in Saskatoon...don't you wish you were here? Great funny story - I love it. ENjoy your vacation!

Lovella ♥ said...

Hi Vanessa it's monday night and drizzly. I just finished eating my dinner wearing a sweater, you probably are on your lanai sipping something cool and starting dinner with an appetizer.

Lovella ♥ said...

uh Vanessa? It is Thursday and I woke up to snow. Did you hear? Snow. I actually thought about you and wondered what your weather is like.

Lovella ♥ said...

Vanessa? It is 7:21 on Saturday morning and it is drizzling.

Becky said...

Vanessa, Its March 3! Have you abandoned the north? Don't you have duties and obligations, or something to tear you away from the sand and surf??? Okay, the frigid drizzle, and gray shadows are making some of us wish we were elsewhere too!