Saturday, February 17, 2007


As I have been putting more time into prayer and intentionally spending the beginning of my day with God, it has been absolutely amazing how much my day and mood/attitude is affected. I don't say this to say, 'wow, i've been praying', but moreso that we serve an amazing God who is incredible. As I start my morning with a newfound focus on God, I find that all the other little things that I made a big deal of before begin to fade away as my eyesight is adjusted. Suddenly I realize that I really have no right or reason to be in a bad mood when I truly look at everything around me. It's just been interesting to see how I have acted differently this past week in such a good way.

Tonight in church we sang a new song I had never heard before. I wanted to post the words of the chorus here, because I found them really encouraging:
You, You are my wholeness
You are my completeness
My soul, my thirsty soul can
Rest in the depths of Your love

Just a good reminder for me of who/what truly completes me and that I can truly find rest daily in the great depths of God's love.

Hope you're all having a splendid weekend!


Lovella ♥ said...

What would we do with the recharge of worship? I always feel my heart so full afterwards. You are an inspiration to read. I find you so transperant and honest. That in itself is refreshing and then on top of that you are an encourager to step up to the plate and do the thing we know we should do as Christians. Keep up the good work.

Lovella ♥ said...

I meant to say without the recharge of worship. It's a little early yet, I'm still a bit bleary eyed.

Becky said...

Good encouraging words, Vanessa! It reminds me how I start school each morning, that the devotional time is supposed to be meaningful. It is to me, but I wonder how grateful some of the students are. To be in God's presence each morning, focus on Him, puts the whole day in the right light.