Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Every morning I grow more and more to dislike big trucks (semis and dump trucks) on the freeway. They cut you off, spit rocks on your car (my windshield has two big cracks in it now!) and they always swerve over the lanes.. sigh. i think i will have to get over it though! have to remind myself about love and patience!

So lately I have been really been feeling the urge to pray more and to devote more time in my day to intentional prayer. One of the ways in which to do this is to take the cds out of my car and rather than singing mindlessly, to pray and worship God every day as I drive the half hour to school and back. I have felt convicted of this for about two weeks now but I always forget to take the cds out when I leave the car. Every time I get in and hear the music, I am reminded, but then I think "well, today will be my last day and I will really enjoy it and THEN i'll take them out." right. like that'll happen. so anyway, last night i got home and remembered and decided that i really needed to do that, because it was something that I really wanted to be intentional about and to have my time in my car be time with God spent in silence, talking and singing (without cds). So I grudgingly took them all out. This morning as I started driving, i was going batty with the silence.. so i decided I would ease my way into it by listening to the radio. HA! well, i turn on the radio and it's on 106.5 (Christian radio station) and there is a guy talking on it and he is talking about how we need to make prayer more of a priority in our lives. HAHAHA.. Okay, you got me God! So I laughed to myself at the blatant truth staring me in the face and turned off the radio. Good reminders. :) It's funny, because I keep automatically turning up the volume after I get off the phone, etc. and I realize what a habit it has become. So for now I am driving in silence (I could actually hear the sound of the rain against my car today!) and so far it's been fairly hard, but good at the same time!!

I just finished working out and should head to the shower before an exciting day at school tomorrow. (no sarcasm in there at all.. hehe)

1 comment:

Lovella ♥ said...

Vanessa, I've struggled with the same thing. There was a point in my life when I was the morning egg gatherer. I started to pray for different people on each row. It made such a difference in my attitude. Since then, I pray mostly at night when I can't sleep, but to stop in the middle of the day is always a struggle. Tell, you what . . . from now on, when I am in the car by myelf, I'll make an effort to spend time with the Lord. Thank you for that encouragement.