Friday, April 20, 2007

Facebook Friends

This week has been fairly busy, but so good. So thought I'd give a little rundown on what my week has been like!!

First off, I must admit that although I am slightly addicted to Facebook, I am thankful for it because I have been reconnected with old friends which has been such a blessing!! One of those friends is Bridgid who I went to high school with. We had not seen each other in about five years and meet up last Sunday at Anton's pasta Bar (sooo good!!!) for dinner!! It was great to see her and catch up after all these years!

Monday I had my last day of carpooling with Tami. I have thoroughly enjoyed having someone to drive to school with one day a week and it served as a great time to hang out as well!! We also went to the Fort Pub for lunch to celebrate classes being done!!

Monday night I went to a Bible study with a couple friends. We are studying the book of Colossians and it is so good to study the book as a whole and to be able to see it within its cultural context!

Tuesday I got a lot of errands done and then met up with my friend Cheryl (also a friend from high school) and we went to the movie Premonition. It was a movie I really hadn't wanted to see, but it was really good! I really appreciated the ending and the way it was all weaved together. I would highly recommend it! The movie wasn't too creepy itself-it was just the music that made it creepy!! haha

Wednesday I met a friend for lunch and then a friend from school Kristen (who this post is really for.. just so she'll have something to read for her 6000th visit) came over so we could have a study party. The evening started off by putting our notes into giant ziploc bags and studying in the pool.. haha.. most people don't believe it's possible, but it's genius!! My favorite way to study! My pool is clean and heated now and so it's so wonderful!! Then we went for dinner to a Japanese restaurant and then played piano a little and hung out. (I mean.. we studied).. I am realizing more and more that I am not good at studying in groups!! haha.. because I don't actually study!

Thursday I had my first exam: sociology. Then I decided instead of studying I would go shopping! I bought some great clothes and got 20% off on all of them!! Yippee! Then I met my friend Brooke for dinner and then watched the Canucks game (sad they lost :( ).

Friday (today) I had two exams and they were all right. Hadn't really studied for them much and was actually relieved in the release of realizing that that is okay. And it was. I am learning slowly.. haha.. Kristen and I went out for lunch just to not study.. what a great way to spend one's time!! Tonight I worked until 10:30pm and tomorrow I get to work at 6:30 am and have another exam in the evening! Ode to joy! Only three more exams!

This week has been an interesting one. My thinking has been a bit of everywhere as expressed in my poem. It has been good to just stop and slow down and enjoy time without classes.

This weekend should be full and fun and I will be sure to post some pictures after the weekend is up! And now if you have made it through this long rambling post, congrats!! haha..


Chrys said...

Haha - I can verify that studying in the pool does really work. We spent some quality time with our English Lit notes in there :) I'd been thinking about seeing Premonition, but wasn't too sure. Your review decided for me - I'm definitely going to see it. Thanks for always helping me make decisions - you know it's not my strong point!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Vanessa! Sounds like you had an amaazing week...especially Wednesday. Wednesday sounds like it was a really good day for you. Wierd, huh? Welp, see you on Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

shoot, visit #2 already

TonyandKaylen said...

Studying in the pool.. with zip lock bags.. it's genious!!! Why in 4 years of college have I not thought of that?! I'm going to need to make up for lost time now!

Your week sounds like a really good one, too :)

Lovella ♥ said...

It sounds like you have such a good social life. I know no one else that has had as much fun during exam time as you.

That pasta bar looks worth visiting. Yummy.

Can't wait to see the fun pictures coming up.