Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm Back! (Again!)

Just got back from a trip to Spring Lake Ranch where I was taking a course called 'Psychology and Spirituality'. I have some pics but it takes far too long to post them on here, so go check them out on my facebook (if you don't have it, follow the links below):

I have been learning a lot lately and thinking through a lot of stuff. I was looking back in my journal and found a poem I wrote a couple months ago and part of it really speaks what's been going on I guess, so I thought I'd share it. And hopefully I will write more at a later date!!

The beauty outside brings me to awe.
Beauty that seems absent from my life.
I observe it from the outside in.
So close, yet touch evades me.

Hands tied up, occupied in nothingness,
Yet the ropes that bind do have substance
Their grasp is firm, but mine is firmer.
Letting go would be the answer, yet I cannot.

To do so would be letting go of
meaning, comfort, worth, identity.
It would leave me exposed.

To not let go would leave me bound,


Anonymous said...

Vanessa, what a beautiful blog. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings! I miss listening to your perspective on the world on our Monday Commutes. My parents (and me ofcourse) want you to come over and share some of your pictures with us. Give me a call when your life is slowing down a bit.
Much Love, Tami

Theresa said...

Looks like you had another great trip! Looking forward to seeing you!

Chrys said...

Do you realize it's been almost a month since you've posted? that's got to be a record for you!