Sunday, October 28, 2007

Baking Fun

This if the debut of me having a video on my blog. Wow. I'm turning over a new leaf. Will write more, but my cousin and I are kind of crazy and like to have a lot of fun with no inhibitions. Here's a sneak-peak into what happens when we bake together or hang out together.. (and yes, we do this normally without a camera too..) Everything you see here is improv. Let me know what you think! We're thinking of making a comedy video that people can insert when in a sad mood.. :)


Chrys said...

Wow, that was special! It made me laugh :) I love the monkey/crow sounds!

Anonymous said...

WOW is all i can say. LOVE IT

Yvonne said...

Definitely think you should make a video - you'd make millions(or maybe pennies):)