Sunday, December 02, 2007


I have been tagged by Kelly, so here goes:

Six Things/Habits about me:
1. I like making lists and at times do not feel a sense of accomplishment unless it is something i have crossed off my list. I have gotten better, but I do weekly make a list of things I have to do that week for school.. helps me not get stressed!
2. I love water. I could sit and watch it for hours (okay outside that is, NOT like in the shower or in a cup...) I mean waterfalls, lakes, oceans, creeks, etc.
3. I love traveling and photography and combining the two. My goal is to go to 40 countries
4. I have to read every single chapter out of every textbook for school. I feel bad if I don't. It takes a lot of time, but I figure I'm learning so it's all good!
5. I like getting my hair in braided extentions. It's fun and usually lasts a couple months, giving me an extra half hour every morning to sleep!
6. My birthday is Christmas Eve and I love it! It seems a strange thought to have a birthday without Christmas decorations and music, etc. It feels like it's all part of my birthday which is just lovely.

Seven Random/Weird things about me
1. every time I leave my desk, i need to leave my chair at a certain angle
2. i absolutely love overcast and cloudy weather! It energizes me more than a sunny day
3. I speak two languages fluently (English and French) and know a bit in to get by in three other languages (Russian, Spanish and German)
4. I used to be a math major and am now a Psychology major, which really doesn't compliment each other! haha
5. When I drive, I turn my music full blast and sing all the harmonies at the top of my lungs
6. I love raw carrots but do not like cooked carrots at all
7. I am the person who changes the outside sign at my church. Don't worry though-I don't put up cheesy lines!! just info! :)

For both of these, I tag: Chrystal, Amy, Kristen and Yvonne


Anonymous said...

dangit vanessa, now i have to procrastinate writing this paper EVEN MORE! sheeeeeeeesh.


Chrys said...

Interesting...I'll eat cooked carrots but raw ones I don't like.