Saturday, December 01, 2007


I have been deep in thought in the last few days about more things than I can possibly put into words. I feel as though I am being shaken to my core of late and nothing is the same as it was. I am being wrung, and in the process am becoming broken. It hurts.

I grew up with the mentality that my relationship with God was either "doing good" or "doing bad". Funny, because I now see how inaccurate that is. Struggling in your relationship with God does not simply mean it's bad, but rather that in itself is part of the journey. The struggle, the crap, the hard and the good are all intermingled into one journey towards God. The goal here on earth is not to reach the end, because that will never happen while on earth. Rather, the goal is the process. The goal is the journey. To be continually growing, evolving and changing as the going gets rough or as it seems easy.

Just a few thoughts (unfortunately not articulated in the way I would like them to be). Feel free to disagree and I welcome your thoughts and comments.


Owen and Bonnie said...

very profound and thought-provoking post. I would have to agree with you...our relationship with God is an ever-evolving process. Something that I have realized is that our ultimate goal in life should not be'happiness' because we will be bitterly disappointed. And yes, to struggle is not necessarily a bad thing - in fact, it can actually be for our own good (although it's often difficult to grasp this reality when we are going through trials).


leslie said...

thank you for this post, friend!
i agree. and i think, in my life, my relationship with God has been quite drastically changing, and it may be labelled as a "bad" process of change by some christians, but i really know that that the changes are alright. and also he wont let me go, as long as i want him. my "walk w jesus" could be judged as "going badly" by others, but i know that this walk im taking is important.
so thank you for your post, it is encouraging.

Unknown said...

I'm not much of a blogger - but I love Vanessa :-) Along the lines of the earlier comments, I was reminded of some thoughts from my "friend" Oswald (Chambers, that is). Check out Aug 2 entry in "My Utmost" for the full thing. "God does not give us overcoming life: He gives us life as we overcome. The strain is the strength. If there is no strain, there is no strength. Are you asking God to give you life and liberty and joy? He cannot, unless you will accept the strain. Immediately you face the strain, you will get the strength. Overcome your own timidity and take the step, and God will give you to eat of the tree of life and you will get nourishment. If you spend yourself out physically, you become exhausted; but spend yourself spiritually, and you get more strength. God never gives strength for to-morrow, or for the next hour, but only for the strain of the minute. The temptation is to face difficulties from a common-sense standpoint. The saint is hilarious when he is crushed with difficulties because the thing is so ludicrously impossible to anyone but God."