Saturday, January 21, 2006


Today I am going to Vancouver for the 'Vancouver International Bhangra Celebration.' First we're going to the dance competition and then we're going to the big after party where we will get to do some Bhangra dancing ourselves!!! I'm really excited! I'll probably be one of the only white people there, but that's all right. I'll pull out my Bhangra moves and dance away! For those of you who don't know, Bhangra is Punjabi music and it's Indian. It's gonna be fun!!
On another note, my brother phoned me this morning and asked if I wanted to work full time in his office!! which means i have a job and a good one at that!! Yay! And it's all been in perfect timing! Have a great weekend all!


TonyandKaylen said...

yay!! congrats on the job!

Brittany said...

congratulations! i know how it feels to need and want a job so bad and then God just brings the most amazing job right at the perfect time! i'm very excited for you! and i hope you had fun with the punjabi dancing! that stuff is SO WEIRD and hilarious!!!