Friday, March 24, 2006


Right now I continually wonder why I always bring myself to this point in my life: the place of exhaustion and burning out! Argh! It's this vicious cycle I"m stuck in and I don't want to drop everything and run right now. Maybe it's my lack of focus, who knows.

I just got off work this morning and I think I'm going to go sleep. perhaps things will improve from there on in...

1 comment:

leslie said...

my life is never ever one to model - BUT - i find when i am very available, like now that i just got fired and work only a few hours a week, i have a LOT of time on my hands, and not really any daily commitments - i find that i pay so much more attention to God, and i feed off Him so much more. when i am busy i am gladly distracted from Him, and so it wears me down easily.
i just realized that might sound like im telling you that you're exhausted because you dont pay attention to God - that is NOT what i mean. what i mean as my point i guess, is that my life mentally and spiritually improves A LOT when i take life slow and step back from some things. maybe there is just one thing you can gie up, or focus less time on.