Tuesday, June 13, 2006

June 13th

1. I just got off work after closing. Short four hour shift, not too bad. The four hour ones always seem the longest though! Funny how that works.

2. Going for the first golf game of the season tomorrow morning!! Oh! That's in less than seven hours! yay! will probably do horrible, but i'm okay with that. just have to get into the *swing* of it again... haha.. i'm so punny

3. I was cleaning my closet today and refound my favorite hat! it's white and i bought it for about three dollars when I was in Germany with my friend Kristin. What a great find! :)

4. Day off tomorrow (and this time it is for real-I rechecked the schedule about five times or so..)

5. Picked my grandma up from the airport and it was cute because one of her big stories was that for the first time ever in her entire life, the metal detector beeped when she walked through!! She couldn't even imagine what would have made it beep! So cute! I'm taking her to a movie on thursday, so that should be fun.

6. Went to Starbucks for coffee with my friend sandy, helping her get ready for her interview and just as she had to go to work, someone who i just recently got to know a bit was coming in, and we sat and chatted for a while. It was nice to have an unexpected coffee visit!

7. My room is really messy as a result of me "cleaning" my closet today..

8. I smell like coffee. Gross. I will not miss that about Starbucks! Even my arm hairs smell like coffee.. Pretty soon I will start sweating coffee!!

9. Had supper at my brother and sister-in law's today and it was nice!! Got to see their kittens too-so cute!

10. I used to be good at sending people birthday cards (used to means about two months ago, I did it for one month). Now I look at my calendar and see all the birthdays I've missed. So sad...

11. I like getting letters in the mail, or just random things mailed to me by friends. It generally means I have to write, but I don't mind. Haven't gotten anything in the mail lately though. So sad...

12. I see brown sticky syrup spots on my hands and arms from work! Looks like shower time has come.

13. What a wonderfully lucky number!! It rained and was sunny and overcast today and i was thankful for it, because it points to what a creative and diverse God we have!!

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