Thursday, June 15, 2006

June 15th

1. June is half over!! The craziness of it all! Seems like it just begun. actually in my mind it's still far off in april or something.. not so much i guess!

2. Had a great night at work. A few people came to visit me which really made my night! Always fun to have people I know drop in to say hello and to see me. Makes me feel special. :) Had fun dancing around while singing as well-and my manager was the one who started it!

3. This morning made crepes with Destinye and they were fantastic. had some cut up strawberries and syrup with them as well-so good! then we did dance dance like crazy fools and had some fun trying to get as many A's as possible.

4. Saw RV with my Omi tonight. Second time for me, but it was good. Always funny to hear my omi's commentaries, especially today about how Robin Williams is such a good player (of course she meant actor, but i had a good chuckle over it!

5. I got my last schedule today and my last shift at Starbucks is the 27th and it's an open!! i'm glad to have my favorite shift on my last day.

6. I have a day off tomorrow! yay! not sure what i'll do, although cleaning my fish tank is top priority on this day off as days off are fish tank cleaning days. the water is pretty clean, but there's a lot of stuff on the sides of the tank that needs to be scrubbed. i think i need to get rid of a lot of the rock too.

7. Surrender surrender surrender. it's the word that keeps coming up of late. sometimes i'd rather just go along with my flesh, but in all things I need to surrender them to Christ. unfortunately much easier said than done.

8. i am wearing one of my favorite black sweaters today and it's all balled up and whenever i wear it, my mom tells me i shouldn't wear it!! haha.. so i think i will throw it away. good bye balled up black sweater!

9. Phoned Jenn in Quebec today and i'm excited to go visit! Looks like the time I'll be there is a fairly slower time for them (compared to the rest of the summer that is), so that's always a bonus.

10. I got my official partner card from starbucks today! The one that has a stripe to swipe and everything. I thought I wouldn't get it before I left, but I'm excited to have it. It makes me finally feel official or something.

11. I wonder how long my discount will go for. Sometimes they cut it off instantly, sometimes not.

12. I like making to do lists and am sometimes controlled by them. but i get things done. It's weird, because i have to write everything on there.. i think i just enjoy crossing it off. so for a day i'll write: wake up, shower, change, eat breakfast, make bed, etc. just so it makes me think i did a lot that day. okay, i don't do it that extreme all the time, but at bible school i liked to. weird. now i just make to do lists for all the people i need to write letters and emails to and some other random things.

13. i would like to get a pedicure. haven't had one in two years since my brother's wedding. my toes were painted pink and i couldn't be bothered to take it off (even though iw asn't a fan of the pink), but that polish stayed on my toes for almost a year! Obviously now totally in its original glory, but there was still a portion left on their one year anniversary. My big toenail grows really slowly cuz it fell off when i was a child. now that was more information than you'll ever want to know about my toes.

14. I found out some super exciting news tonight that I can't tell anyone!! Crazy!! Might go insane!! But I am pumped! Just wanted to share that with you all.

15. My bed beckons me with all my coffee smelling hair....

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