Saturday, June 17, 2006

June 16th

1. So I am as a matter of fact starting work in four hours. And I am not yet in bed. And will have to get up in under four hours to get ready for work. Boy am I dedicated to this blog! (or i'm just wide awake and need to do something to wind down..)

2. Just had a poker night with a few people and it was fun. I lost all my chips except for three, and then i went all in and won with a flush! haha.. the game ended soon after that anyway, so it really was no big deal, but it was good times nonetheless. Good ol' two dollar buy in.

3. Cleaned myf ish tank today and took out almost half the rock,b ecause there was way too much of it picking up way too much dirt! Now that I cleaned it though, it's pretty dirty, because all the stuff int he rocks is flying around. Hopefully the filter will pick it all up and make it crystal clear again!

4. Went for coffee way too manytimes today!! And all with different people. Two times at Starbucks and once at Ethical Addictions and I must say that their fruit smoothies are amazing.

5. Had Vietnamese with my cousin for lunch today and it was great! Always awesome to have their giant bowls of soup!

6. Oh and I bought some great summer clothes today as well. Well, a skirt and two tops, but I am excited nonetheless.

7. I'm needing some answers to some questions and am not sure how to go about getting them. Am learning to simply wait though. And enjoy in the moment what's happening. Now that won't fully make sense to anyone, but that's all right. Thought I'd put it out there.

8. I only have nine shifts at Starbucks left!! And they're mostly all morning shifts! Hoorah! I love morning shifts (especially the ones where I'm banking off three hours of sleep)

9. My glasses are dirty and spotty as I'm looking through them. Perhaps I shall clean them later.

10. So today the post canada guy came to the door and told us we will now have to walk to the box to get our mail cuz it'll come in one of those big mailbox things. That's cool, except we live in the country so it's like half a kilometre or more to get to the mailbox!! Good times.. oh well, I suppose it'll be a nice walk every day as I do love getting the mail in hopes that I may get some!

11. I wanted to go swimming today and was going to, but then the pool was being vacuumed along with my hopes of swimming.

12. thought about 1 Corinthaisn 13 a bunch today and it was a good reminder that I can't produce that kind of love on my own. It's only God's love

13. I need to get to bed, but it's June 16th, so I must wait!

14. My aunt flew in from Ontario for the weekend and I get to see her tomorrow! Yay for visiting relatives!

15. My hair is straight again today and yes, I still do love it!

16. I am yawning right now and exhausted. Wonder how I'll feel in three hours... Hope this was worth my lack of sleep for all of you to read...

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