Saturday, June 17, 2006

June 17th

1. Just got off work and am happy to be home! In the beginning it was slow going because I was really tired and at work I do better when there's all or nothing to do. Either super busy or everything's done. Not so good at all the little piddly stuff. So at about eight, right when someone didn't come in for their shift and we were short staffed I got busy. I was on front register, making drinks for drive thru and front and it was steady. but that definitely got me going for the day because from there on in it didn't seem that the chaos ended! (until I left of course!

2. I only have eight shifts left! Never actually thought it would get to the last few shifts. And they're all mornings so they should go by reasonably fast.

3. For work today I was supposed to be off at 10:45 but stayed until noon and Jenna bought us pizza so that was super nice. My last shift with Jenna and Destinye and it was fun. Destinye and i sang a little song together for everyone through drive-thru and it was funny because even though it was crazy and i was running around like a mad fool, I was still managing to join in the singing over the speakers even though I wasn't taking orders. Always an exciting time driving through our drive-thru! you never know what you're going to get!

4. My aunt from Ontario is out for the weekend and her and my mom came in for coffee and it was great to see her even if it was only for a short time.

5. My trip to Calgary is in the works and I'm leaving on the 28th. I may have mentioned this before, but oh well.

6. On Tuesday I get to go to Bard ont he Beach! Yay! I'm going to all four plays this summer and this will be my first one. It's Midsummer's Night Dream which should be really good. Good way to start off the season.

7. Got a book in the mail the other day with my picture published in it! Yay! Perhaps I will scan the picture soon and share it with y'all

8. I read something about good posture today and amt rying to be mindful of having shoulders back and back straight. hard to do when you're tired!! i never realize how much i slouch until I actually think about it

9. right now i really just want to go out and socialize with a bunch of people. weird. maybe i'll just go sleep!

10. I kind of want a nap, but when i'm this tired, generally the nap turns into a five or six hour sleep.. haha.. dont' really want that.

11. I have sharpie marks all over my hands from work.

12. The transition of my moods lately has been interesting. For two weeks I was super moody and having bouts of anger, not it seems i'm back to my usual self. not sure what to make of it.

13. I'm thinking once I study psychology in school, I will perhaps understand myself better!! haha.. and understand why i'm so strange!

14. We have ostrich eggs in our office and they're sitting by a bunch of chickens (fake ones of course).. as though the chickens actually laid such large eggs..

15. Today i was int he bathroom at work and suddenly i noticed a giant grasshopper directly in front of me. I was a bit scared he would jump at me while i was goign to the bathroom. Luckily he stayed put. I thought about chasing him out of the store but squished him with my shoe instead.

16. Oilers play tonight and I hope they win!! Especially since it's a home game!! Yay Oilers! Not that I watch really (once the Canucks are gone, i just dont' have that drive), but I will cheer for them nonetheless


Chrys said...

Wow, it was nice to finally read an entry on the right day :) It was funny to see what time you post because it's usually after midnight, meaning that technically it's already the next day. That's okay, you still impress me with your ability to post every day :)

Vanessa said...

haha! i was hoping no one would notice the time thing!! :)

Sarafina said...

Hi Vanessa,
so "that person" is actually reading your blog...haha! The bbq was fun, it was nice to run into you. I hope you have a great week!