Sunday, June 18, 2006

June 18th

1. Yay! My second blog posting exactly on the day! how exciting is that!

2. Just got off work-only seven more shifts left!

3. Last night i got to bbq at an anniversary dinner and it was lots of fun! :) Played some dutch blitz as well and taught some others how to play. Always good to spread the joys of dutch blitz.

4. I smell like stale coffee. Yuck. But I am drinking an iced grande chai and it was good!

5. yesterday i was talking to someone whose blog i look at every once in a while, but i don't really know them super super well and we were talking about how it's interesting how you never know who's looking at your blog. Like who's reading this for example...

6. It is sunny out now!! Yay! It took the sun a while to come out, but it finally has. Perhaps I shall go for a swim!

7. Everyone has father's day bbqs today and so no one is really free.. Ho hum.. Perhaps I shall throw a bbq for myself.

8. I need to book a flight that will be less than two weeks from now, but I have not booked it yet. Crazy. Home it wont' be too incredibly expensive.

9. Work was really slow today. I even got to go home a little bit early. Worked with lots of people that are great to work with-made for a great shift!

10. I still smell like stale coffee (from work) and the combo of that and the iced chai is makign me feel a bit ill.

11. i'm going to go buy a new bedspread today. my mom bought the one that i currently have and i really don't like it. and i've had it for a while. the colors just aren't really me and i also need something down so it's soft and fluffy!

12. My mom is organizing the house and there is stuff absolutely everywhere!

13. Today at work my assistant manager told me to go bus and so i was excited to go on my break after. (usually you have breaks after you bus..) then i was standing in line for a drink and he was there too.. and i asked him why he had a break at the same time as me.. and it was funny, because i didn't have a break, he had just asked me to bus for him for his break... haha.. so i went back to work and waited patitently for my break to come!

14. i just saw an advertisement on the desk that says "Betty is on her way, she's hittin' the road.." haha.. and i really have no idea what it means at all and who in the world betty is for that matter. perhaps i should go and say farewell

15. i am goign to go through my closet and get rid of a bunch of clothes today!

16. i ate the most amazing watermelon and canteloupe last night. wow.

17. i would like to go buy a dumpload of summer clothing. but i will refrain and save my money

18. Now to the shower so that i will no longer smell like stale coffee!! Hoorah!

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