Monday, June 19, 2006

June 19th

1. Since I posted during the day yesterday I wanted to write what I did last night! But I have no memory of it. haha.. oh wait

2. I took a five hour nap in the afternoon (very very stupid idea), then i went for a walk to london drugs to get some pics developed, and then i went out for some japanese with sandy. good times!

3. funny because last night iw as tired and was pretty excited to go to bed,b ut then I lay there wide awake not being able to sleep at all. So that was really too bad. Finally i just started reading a book an that was pretty cool. and then i fell asleep around one int he mornign only to wake up again at four so that i could be off to that wonderful early morning shift.

4. work was funt his morning but kind of busy. oen of our bars was broken and so instead of havign two bars to make drinks, we only had one during our rush which was tough with all the milk and stuff that needed to be steamed. but we made it through.

5.For one of our regular customers, the girl on drivethru and i sang ice ice baby through the speakers and it was pretty funny. we all enjoyed it and had a good laugh.

6. went out for lucnh witha girl from work toda and ti was good. we went to boston piza and it was quite enjoyable. ummy yummy.

7. my fish are happyb ut i need to change the filters so the water and get even cleaner!!

8. Tonight we had a pool party and bbq for the kids in divorce care for kids program we do at church. It was so great just to bless them and enjoy spending time with them. they're all so precious and it was great to watch them swim and just enjoy life.

9. Interesting watching the kids swimming today because they swam for about an hour and a half total, perhaps even a bit more. and they would run out, jump off the diving board, swim across the whole pool, get out, and jump off again. i would jump off once,s tay in the pool and perhaps even get bored. iw as remidned of how i need to simply enjoy life and just be. not to complicate things but just to be content swimming around and jumping off a diving board. not sure if that makes sense,b ut the picture made sense in my head.

10. i found out this morning that a guy who did lts at capernwray harbor and has been on staff there for the last two years passed away yesterday morning in his sleep. absolutely crazy to think of. just the shortness of life and the unknown of it all.

11. tonight the sky was absolutely beautiful-just the way the blues changed across the expanse.

12. i had a tea tonight at starbucks and all the honey stayed at the bottom and the bottom part of it was really sweet. thought you should all know.

13. everybody at work today lost their drive to work at a certain point and we all stood around and talked. it was nice.

14. only six more shifts left!!!

15. i realized today that i really need to clean my car. it's filthy. yuck

16. my mom gave me a really good necklace today and i'm really enjoying wearing it.

17. had some hot dogs for supper and they were really good

18. i am excited to read my book tonight. it's called a grace disguised and has brought up a lot of thoughts.

19. bed time!

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