Monday, June 26, 2006

June 26th

1. Last night i had good intentions of going to bed early. Then I realized that my room was forty degrees and there was no hope of sleep in the near future. So I talked with two friends on the phone for an hour and a half and then sleep came welcomingly!

2. My second last open today!! Whoo hoo! Only one more shift left!

3. As I was leaving the house this morning at 4:00 am, my leg felt a bit breezy. it was then i realized that there was a giant hole in the side of my capris.. good thing i realized it before i got to work and could go change it! Looks like I should go shopping for some new capris!!

4. It's so nice to have tons of people who come into work who know me. One guy was mocking me this morning because i'm always overly cheerful. haha

5. went to cultus this morning/afternoon and sat there for about an hour. Sandy didn't really want to go swimming, so we decided to head into chilliwack!

6. went to a starbucks in chilliwack where my old assistant manager is now the new manager. nice to see the store and look around.

7. were recommended to go to a sushi place on luckakuk called 'seven sushi'. really good! had some gyoza and some other sushi.

8. the sushi place was right next to toews music where a friend of mine works, so that was fun to go visit as well and see all the different instruments.

9. It is so incredibly hot! I can barely handle it!

10. I never complained about the rain, actually I liked it.. and now it's gone!

11. Just watched Canadian Idol and voted a bunch of times for Greg Neufeld, a guy who I graduated with. He sang amazing so if you're ever watching, be sure to vote for him!! Whoo hoo!

12. I keep phoning to vote and it's busy, but I'm getting a few votes in!

13. In twelve hours I will be done at starbucks!! Hoorah!

14. In the evening it's still so hot! Thank goodness for nice ice cold showers!!

15. Tomorrow at Starbucks it's partner appreciation day. I find it ironically fitting that it's on my last day! haha

16. I really wanted to go to bed at seven tonight but I'm glad I held out!

17. I think it's silly that you can vote ten million times for stuff like Canadian Idol and American Idol, because truly then it's the person who has the most persevering fans.. so i decided i would keep voting as I push my redial while I write this blog..

18. I really would like to buy a new cell phone, beacuse mine never has any reception in my house and it's kind of annoying. i think i've mentioned it before, but it frustrates me moreso now!

19. Today at Cultus there were so many young teens there.. it was interesting to overhear some of their conversations.. couldn't stay long

20. The sunsets have been amazing of late! What an amazing God we serve who makes beautifuul sunsets every evening for us to enjoy.

21. I leave in two days and am not ready at all. it has been decided now though that we are staying in a hotel and not camping. i think this will be the better decision in the long run!

22. I wish myhouse had air conditioning!

23. My manager is opening iwth me tomorrow morning just in case she doesn't show up!! haha.. now i'm worried that she won't be there!

24. I have a pedicure tomorrow morning after work and am so excited!! Finally I don't have to wear shoes anymore for any reason!! hoorah!! summer is here, no more work and I can wear flip flops and sandals forever!

25. i need to get a golf game in before i go. but it's pretty hot and i can't see myself golfing very well in the heat!

26. this brings an end to this post. always a challenge to get to the end. only four more days left and then my blogging can resume normalcy (not a word, but that's okay)

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