Saturday, June 03, 2006

June 3rd

1. My fish continually sadden me to a depth that I didn't think could occur because of fish. Today I finally threw poor Ebony into the field (he's been sitting in my garbage bucket outside on my patio dead for about six days). He was stinky but now he is at peace in the field beside Jerry. And Coco is in my other bucket fighting for life. I couldn't bear any longer to watch him in the tank. And then today I discovered that Deek and Kaia are both each missing an eye! it's a ghastly sight to behold. Their eyes have gone missing and where it used to be is a hollow indent with a knob in the middle.. and the outside skin is shriveled. so sad! And Kaia keeps floating around upside down. I was told once that when a fish loses an eye or something it's like having an amputation and they die the next day from the trauma. Perhaps tomorrow they will be dead and I will no longer have to look at them sadly...

2. For those of you who are PDF alumni, Matt and Jess just had their third baby!! I talked to Matt on the phone today, and they have a healthy little girl named Kathryn! He told me that Millie is really excited about having a little sister and he described her as continually circling her like a vulture. haha! Just thought i'd share the news with some people who actually know them!

3. I've been reading a book of late called the Grace Disguised and I've been thinking a lot. I seem to have fallen into a bit of a rut/depression these last few weeks and it's tough, because I haven't been looking to God to pull me out of it. And I am continually reminded that it's not my circumstances but what I do in them. And yes, it's the age old saying that has often lost it's meaning, but it's so true! Do I have a right to be in a foul mood because something hasn't gone the way I would have liked it to? Not so much.. I seem to be reacting to everything lately with anger and it's not good. Never been angry as much as I have been these last few weeks. It scares me. I'm stuffing something else down and trying to cover it up with the anger... Now it's only a matter of discovering what I'm trying to cover up...

1 comment:

TonyandKaylen said...

Do you think one of your fish is a bully? Pecked out the 2 eyes... I'm actually not sure that fish are capable of pecking, but you never know. My brother-in-law had a frog and a fish in the same tank and the frog used to torment the fish until one day he got his jaws around the fish's tail and whipped it around until it was dead. Yes, a ghastly picture I just painted for you, but it was my mother-in-law that had to witness it happening. Awful, I tell you.