Thursday, June 08, 2006

June 8th

1. Happy Oceans Day!!

2. I closed at work tonight and it was a lot of fun. One of my favorite drive-thru customers came through twice and it wasn't busy at all, so we had some nice little chats. Always cool to get to know people and what they do.

3. Noticed at work today how people aren't bold in sharing their faith. It's as though they're ashamed. With about four different people, only after I had asked them four questions (around the topic of what they'd done that night), did they mention they had gone to a bible study, gone to church, etc. Why are we so slow to associate ourselves with Christ? I do it all the time too. If people ask me what I'm doing on a saturday night i'll just say i'm not sure rather than saying i'm going to church.. Am I ashamed? Maybe worried that they might view me differently? I know I do it, but it was interesting seeing it from the other end tonight. Made me think about it and realize that I need to be more bold in sharing and quicker in letting Christ infiltrate every area of my life.

4. had a tour of the university i'm going to today! And I bought my first textbook on psychology!! whoo hoo! i decided i'd get a bit of summer reading in and therefore get a headstart. That will give me a good base i suppose.

5. my mom is gone and i really don't know when she's coming back. i keep wondering if today will be the day. maybe tomorrow?

6. My fish tank is amazingly clean. And to respond to leslie's question in a comment, i did not put any medicine or anything elsein the tank. the other fish died i believe from living in unclean water conditions. I have two different filters that have different biological functions and now that i clean the gravel properly it makes a world of a difference and the water is crystal clear. It's amazing actually, especially compared to the constant murkiness of earlier on...

7. I have to wake up early to meet someone for breakfast. i like sleeping in. maybe on sunday i shall!

8. perhaps I will go read my psychology textbook to lull me to sleep (i'm a nerd and a keener i know!)


amelia said...

7. i wish people would meet ME for breakfast! honestly i LOVE going for early breakfast with people!

8. You are NOT a keener for reading your textbooks a head of time. I think it's a very good thing to do! I do every now and then for the classes I am particularly excited about!!!!

leslie said...

3. i have been thinking alot lately of my own reasons for not being bold in sharing about my faith/life with people. somehow it seems ackward and i am embaressed, because i fear who they will think i am when i become "a christian" in their eyes. i fear it will be negative. also, and i stole this from conversing with amy, somehow for me things feel unnatural. they SHOULDNT because what i believe is how i naturally am, but to speak of it, it feels ackward and unnatural. or something.

6. glad to hear about the fish, i feel now hopeful for whoever the remaining fish are and any new ones arriving. is leslie still alive?

7. also would love an early breakfast with someone. maybe have a cross-canada-breakfast-tour?!

Vanessa said...

cross canada breakfast tour would be nice!! pics of leslie are in the pictures blog!